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120+ Complete Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts 2022

120+ Complete Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts – Photoshop one of the most popular photo editing software to date is none other than Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop is used by most people, including photographers, designers, advertising companies, and computer users to process various images, create effects, or manipulate any photo.

120+ Complete Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts120+ Complete Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts

This bitmap-based editor software offers a variety of effects and tools to support your editing needs. Examples such as the Crop Tool which can be used to take or cut areas in a photo or image, then there is also the Lasso Tool which can be used to make a selection by drawing a freehand pattern.

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In its use, not all tools in Adobe Photoshop are always used. But it would be better if you understand every function of the tools in Adobe Photoshop. And to speed up the editing process, you also need to learn the shortcut keys from Adobe Photoshop.

Why is this necessary? Because by learning the Adobe Photoshop shortcut key, you will be faster in accessing the tool without having to search for it or click on the tool manually. Many designers and editors out there also suggest the same thing, shortcut keys are important to learn.

Know Complete Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts

The existence of a shortcut in Adobe Photoshop can speed up the execution of commands when working on or editing an image. In general, a shortcut is a shorter shortcut key to perform an operation method on a command.

For users of Adobe Photoshop or other editing software, using shortcuts will really help your work. Besides being able to save time, shortcuts also give your ability to edit photos more honed and more creative.

Especially if you understand and memorize the Adobe Photoshop shortcut keys, you will be more nimble in creating or editing the designs you want to create.

Shortcut keys for Photoshop tools are divided into two types, namely single buttons (one button) and combine buttons (combination buttons).

Here’s a list of Adobe Photoshop shortcuts you can learn it.

Shortcut Tools

Shortcut Tools
M Rectangular Marquee Tool
M Elliptical Marquee Tool
V Move Tool
L Lasso Tool
L Polygonal Lasso Tool
L Magnetic Lasso Tool
W Magic Wand Tool
C Crop Tool
K Slice Tool
K Slice Select Tool
J Spot Healing Brush Tool
J Healing Brush Tool
J Patch Tool
J Red Eye Tool
B Brush Tool
B Pencil Tool
B Color Replacement Tool
S Clone Stamp Tool
S Pattern Stamp Tool
Y History Brush Tool
Y Art History Brush
E Eraser Tool
E Background Eraser Tool
E Magic Eraser Tool
G Gradient Tool
G Paint Bucket Tool
R Blur Tool
R Sharpen Tool
R Smudge Tool
O Dodge Tool
O Burn Tool
O Sponge Tool
A Path Selection Tool
A Direct Selection Tool
T Horizontal Type Tool
T Vertical Type Tool
T Horizontal Type Mask Tool
T Vertical Type Mask Tool
P Pen Tool
P Freeform Pen Tool
U Rectangle Tool
U Rounded Rectangle Tool
U Ellipse Tool
U Polygon Tool
U Line Tool
U Custom Shape Tool
N Notes Tool
N Audio Annotation Tool
I Eyedropper Tool
I Color Sampler Tool
I Measure Tool
H Hand Tool
Z Zoom Tool
D Default Foreground/Background Colors
X Switch Foreground/Background Colors
Q Toggle Standard/Quick Mask Modes
F Toggle Screen Modes
/ Toggle Preserve Transparency
[ Decrease Brush Size
] Increase Brush Size
{ Decrease Brush Hardness
} Increase Brush Hardness
, Previous Brush
. Next Brush
< First Brush
> Last Brush

Shortcut File

Shortcut Options
Ctrl+N New
Ctrl+O Open
Alt+Ctrl+O Shft+Ctrl+O Browse
Alt+Shft+Ctrl+O Open As
Shft+Ctrl+M Edit in ImageReady
Ctrl+W Close file in Photoshop
Alt+Ctrl+W Close All
Shft+Ctrl+W Close and Go To Bridge
Ctrl+S Save a file in Photoshop
Shft+Ctrl+S Alt+Ctrl+S Save As

Shortcut Simpan (Save)

Shortcut Options
Alt+Shft+Ctrl+S Save for Web
F12 Revert
Alt+Shft+Ctrl+I File Info
Shft+Ctrl+P Page Setup
Alt+Ctrl+P Print with Preview in Photoshop
Ctrl+P Print
Alt Shift Ctrl P Print One Copy in Photoshop

Shortcut Editing (Edit)

Shortcut Options
Ctrl+Z Undo/Redo in Photoshop
Shft+Ctrl+Z Step Forward in Photoshop
Alt+Ctrl+Z Step Backward
Shft+Ctrl+F Fade
Ctrl+X+F2 Cut
Ctrl+C+F3 Copy
Shft+Ctrl+C Copy Merged
Ctrl+V F4 Paste
Shft+Ctrl+V Paste Into
Shft+F5 Fill
Ctrl+T Free Transform in Photoshop
Ctrl+Y Proof Colors
Shft+Ctrl+Y Gamut Warning
Ctrl++ Ctrl+= Zoom In
Ctrl+- Zoom Out
Ctrl+0 Fit on Screen
Alt+Ctrl+0 Actual Pixels
Ctrl+H Extras
Shift+Ctrl+Z Step Forward (Photoshop History)
Alt+Ctrl+Z Step Backward (Photoshop History)
Alt+Shift+Ctrl+F New Frame (Photoshop Animation)
Ctrl+K General (Shortcut Preference)
Ctrl+Q Exit

Shortcut Transform

Shortcut Options
Shft+Ctrl+T Again
Shft+Ctrl+K Color Settings
Alt+Shft+Ctrl+K Keyboard Shortcuts in Photoshop
Alt+Shft+Ctrl+M Menus

Shortcut Adjustments

Shortcut Options
Ctrl+L Levels
Shft+Ctrl+L Auto Levels
Alt+Shft+Ctrl+L Auto Contrast in Photoshop
Shft+Ctrl+B Auto Color
Ctrl+M Curves
Ctrl+B Color Balance
Ctrl+U Hue/Saturation
Shft+Ctrl+U Desaturate
Alt+Ctrl+I Image Size
Alt+Ctrl+C Canvas Size in Photoshop

 Shortcut Layer

Shortcut Options
Shft+Ctrl+N Layer
Ctrl+J Layer via Copy
Shft+Ctrl+J Layer via Cut
Alt+Ctrl+G Create/Release Clipping Mask
Ctrl+G Group Layers
Shft+Ctrl+G Ungroup Layers in Photoshop
Shift Ctrl ] Bring to Front in Photoshop
Ctrl+] Bring Forward
Ctrl+[ Send Backward
Shft+Ctrl+[ Send to Back
Ctrl+E Merge Layers
Shft+Ctrl+E Merge Visible in Photoshop

Shortcut Select

Shortcut Options
Ctrl+A All
Ctrl+D Deselect
Shft+Ctrl+D Reselect
Shft+Ctrl+I Shft+F7 Inverse
Alt+Ctrl+A All Layers
Alt+Ctrl+D Shft+F6 Feather

Shortcut Filter

Shortcut Options
Ctrl+F Last Filter
Alt+Ctrl+X Extract
Shft+Ctrl+X Liquify
Alt+Shft+Ctrl+X Pattern Maker
Alt+Ctrl+V Vanishing Point

Shortcut Show

Shortcut Options
Shft+Ctrl+H Target Path
Ctrl+’ Grid
Ctrl+; Guides
Ctrl+R Rulers
Shft+Ctrl+; Snap
Alt+Ctrl+; Lock Guides
Alt+F9 F9 Actions
F5 Brushes in Photoshop
F6 Color
F8 Info
F7 Layers

Photoshop Help

Shortcut Options
F1 Photoshop Help


So, friends, This is an explanation of 120+ complete adobe photoshop shortcuts, Some of the shortcuts above consist of the most frequently used shortcut keys to those that you don’t use, therefore with this list of shortcut keys, it is hoped that you can learn and use them easily.

At least, by learning Adobe Photoshop shortcuts, you can be more enthusiastic about editing photos or creating designs.

Maybe you will need a long time to learn and memorize all the shortcuts above. For that, try to start from the tools or options that you access the most.

For example, to increase and decrease the brush size, you can use the shortcut “[“ to zoom in and “]” to zoom out.

That way, you don’t have to bother setting the brush size manually. Next, you can also create a new layer with the shortcut Shift + Ctrl + N (new layer), then write the layer name and press Enter / OK.

If you have any questions you’d like to share, please write them in the comments section below. Thank you and good luck!

What is an in-app shortcut tool?

Shortcuts are shortcut keys that are used to speed up the execution of commands when working on or editing an image.

What is a tool or icon in Photoshop?

Tools are useful tools for designing and editing images or objects on a worksheet.

What are the functions and uses of Adobe Photoshop?

Adobe Photoshop is software that serves to perform image editing, photo editing, image manipulation, and adding effects.

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The post 120+ Complete Adobe Photoshop Shortcuts 2022 appeared first on Technadvice.
